The first ships are already arriving here in Ushuaia and passengers from all over the world are setting sail for the White Continent. So the most common question I get from travelers this time of year: what´s the weather like down there?
Weather in Antarctica is hard to predict, as it changes quickly. However, the general conditions, wildlife & daylight are easier to quantify.
The Antarctic Peninsula is the northernmost part of the continent, thus it is the most moderate climate and warmer temperatures than any other part of this white land. Millions of seabirds and hundreds of thousands of marine mammals make their homes here in the summer to breed and feed. While the Peninsula is warmer than southern areas, wind can be very strong and affects the temperatures greatly.
In November, the average temperature is -2.8 degrees Celsius.
We like to check weather daily & recommend a few sites below for accurate temperate and wind stats:
King George Island, South Shetland Islands

Days are getting longer and longer during November and you can expect light until well past 11 p.m. during your trip.
The Peninsula has been void of visitors for more than eight months, so you will find a white wonderland, free of human footprints or evidence of any kind. Snow is deep and landing sites can be a challenge to dock zodiacs. But never fear, your expedition team will come prepared with shovels to make a place to land. Icebergs are in their best moment, not yet touched by summer melting.

Penguins are building their rock nests and breeding is underway. Get ready to watch penguin flirting up close and even more. Rookeries are hidden by the deep snow, so it´s important to be aware of nesting birds and give them a wide berth. Seals are also in their mating season, not to mention feeding, so be on the lookout while on a zodiac cruise.
November is an amazing time to be on the Antarctic Peninsula. Animals are coming to life and working hard for their summer season. Breathtaking icebergs, pristine icescapes and incredible scenery await you!